St. George / Washington County Drivers-Ed

Why Choose Elite

We’re excited to offer drivers ed driving hours in Washington County. We’ll be offering driving slots availability monthly, starting the end of March and every month after. Including April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept. We schedule 3 sessions of 2 hours each to complete the required 6 hours of Behind the Wheel hours.

The cost for drives only is $375. Text/call now to schedule your drivers ed.


Driving Sessions in St. George

6 Hrs Behind The Wheel Drives


6 hours Behind the Wheel with a certified instructor that the state of Utah requires for a person under 19 to get a Utah State Drivers License.

Private Driving Lessons

$100 Hr

Need to learn how to drive and pass your driver license exam? Sign up today to get the experience you need

Driver License Exam / Road Test


Road Test will be made available soon.

Pick Up Location:

Walmart St. George Parking Lot- West side of the parking lot


2610 Pioneer Rd, St. George, UT 84790